VSight Remote for Admin Panel

User guide for how to use the admin panel of VSight Remote

How can I create a new ticket on admin panel?
New tickets can be created both via the admin panel and also directly via the VSight Remote web application. The following steps refer to the creation in th...
How can I send the ticket details?
You can view detailed information about the tickets, Step 1: Click on the "TICKETS" button in the main menu to go to the detailed view of all ...
How can I edit or delete a ticket?
You can edit or delete your tickets easily, Step 1: Click on the "TICKETS" button in the main menu to go to the detailed view of all tickets c...
How can I manage settings on the admin panel?
Manage your setting on the admin panel, Step 1: Click on the "SETTINGS" button in the main menu to view your account settings. The following s...
How can I view my license information?
You can see your license information on VSight Remote Platform Step 1: Click the “LICENCE” button in the main menu to get an overview of your VSight Rem...
What is VSight Workflow?
With Workflows, you can set up your occurring and planned works and operations step by step and send these workflows to field workers. Field workers can app...
How can I view my profile?
You can see your Profile easily on VSight Remote, Step 1: To view your personal admin profile, please go to your account icon in the upper right corner ...
How can I manage port settings on Admin Panel?
Manage your port settings on VSight Remote, Step 1: To ensure that the VSight Remote platform can be used smoothly, the following ports should be open: ...
How can I assign users to a room automatically?
To make usage of VSight easier for users, you can assign them to a default room. This means that upon logging in or opening the app, user will be automatica...